SKU: PL/1158 . 0001 Availability: not in Stock



The objective to contribute to an increased environmental compatibility and therefore a more safe and aware use is the basis for this new ecological paint. Water-based paints have reduced considerably emissions into the atmosphere. SM ECOLOGICA is a water-based, washable matt paint used for protection and decoration of internal and external walls and ceilings.

SM ECOLOGICA is a paint orientated towards the future that respects the environment and the user. SM ECOLOGICA is breathable because of its particular formula, exempt of glycols and dangerous substances. SM ECOLOGICA is a paint with a low level of volatile organic compounds (VOC). SM ECOLOGICA offers a pleasant matt appearance to surfaces and offers good resistance against dirt as well as intense whiteness. It has excellent covering capacity. The product has top quality ingredients.

SM ECOLOGICA : water, soya oil, methylcellulose, white titanium oxide, flower essences, calcium carbonate, wetting and dispersing agents, latex, about 0.1% preservatives.

SM ECOLOGICA can be applied to various types of surfaces such as plasters (cement, lime based, mixed), plasterboard, fibrecement, including already painted surfaces. The product must be
applied on dry surfaces, without flakes and exempt of salts and humidity.

Preparation of surfaces
On new surfaces, no pre-treatment is necessary ; on already painted or deteriorated surfaces, it is necessary to remove existing paint which creates adherence problems, any cracks should be filled with filler and apply a coat of ecological fixer Isofree (IS/0245) diluted 1/7 or 1/8 to re-aggregate and create a uniform surface. After having applied Isofree wait 6-8 hours before applying a
first coat of SM ECOLOGICA.

Stir well before use. This paint is generally diluted with about 15% – 20% of water, depending on the conditions of application, on the nature of the surface and the tools used. Applied with two coats, it is touch dry in around 4-6 hours and completely dry after 24 hours. Do not apply in temperatures below +5°C or above +30°C or with humidity >80%. Wash equipment with water after use.

SM ECOLOGICA water-based paint is white and thanks to the colouring systems Imagine, Elements, Ral, Ncs it is possible to obtain more than 1000 colours with our collection of universal
colouring pastes which are non toxic and do not contain VOC’s.

Protect doors, windows, curtains and in general all items that shoild not be painted. Any stains or splashes should be immediately removed with water.

SM ECOLOGICA has a yield of 9 – 11 m2/lt depending on absorption and type of surface.

Equipment for application
SM ECOLOGICA can be applied with brush, roller or air-brush.

Packaging and storage
Plastic buckets of 4 lt and 15 lt. SM ECOLOGICA should be stored in the original containers which should be well-sealed. It is stable for 12 months providing it is kept in rooms with a temperature not below +5°C or above + 30°C.

Health and safety regulations
Ventilate during application. Avoid contact with the skin and eyes, in the case of contact wash immediately and abundantly with water. Keep out of the reach of children. For further information, consult the health and safety sheet.

Dispose of the product according to local regulations. The containers must be re-cycled.

Classification and technical characteristics
SM ECOLOGICA has been tested in the GFC Chemical laboratory ; the results given below of the tests are documented in the test report n°193/L of 30.09.2008 and n° 37/L of 18.02.2013

Classification according to UNI EN 13300 norm
Products and water-based paint systems for internal walls and  ceilings.


Classificazione secondo norma UNI EN 13300 “Prodotti e sistemi di verniciatura all’acqua per pareti e soffitti interni ed esterni. Classificazione”




Per impiego finale


Per tipo chimico di legante

Resina stirolo-acrilica

Per stato di soluzione o dispersione del legante

Dispersione diluibile in acqua


Molto opaco



Potere coprente in funzione della resa

Classe 3 con resa di 10 m2/lt


Classe 2


Caratteristiche tecniche






Resistenza al lavaggio e all’abrasione

UNI EN ISO 11998:2003

+ UNI EN 13300:2002

Ldft = 18,33 mm

(Classe 2)

Opacità in funzione della resa

(potere coprente)

ISO 6504-3:1998 + UNI EN 13300:2002

³ 95 e < 98

con resa 10m2/lt

(Classe 3)






EN 21524 + ISO 787-7

+ UNI EN 13300:2002


(<100 mm)

Contenuto di VOC

Decisione della Commissione delle Comunità Europee del 3 Settembre 2002 notificata con il numero 2002/739/CE

6,26 gr/lt

Contenuto di sostanze pericolose

Il prodotto “SM ECOLOGICA”:

           non contiene metalli pesanti quali cadmio, piombo, cromo VI, mercurio ed arsenico,

           non è classificato come molto tossico, tossico, pericoloso per l’ambiente, cancerogeno, tossico per la riproduzione o mutageno,

           non contiene componenti pericolosi per l’ambiente, alchilfenolietossilati, etere monometilenico di dietilenglicole.

Esso inoltre ha un contenuto di composti di isotiazolone inferiore al limite massimo consentito (15 ppm) e non contiene formaldeide libera. Nessuno dei suoi componenti è classificato come molto tossico, tossico, pericoloso per l’ambiente, cancerogeno, tossico per la riproduzione o mutageno


Nota di responsabilità

I consigli e le indicazioni di questa scheda tecnica sono forniti in base alla nostra esperienza, ma non possono impegnare la nostra responsabilità. Il nostro servizio tecnico è a disposizione per fornire tutte le ulteriori notizie necessarie.