It began before, in 1900
Dolci Colori, a long tradition
From historical documents the activity of the first owner, Arturo Dolci, began before 1910 (about 1900) with Meneghini and Cappello first at Vicolo Rensi in Verona and then in Via Gaetano Trezza.
Having bought the company Arturo Dolci continued the activity on his own in Via Cantarane.
His son Mario continued the activity after the difficult period of the Second World War, rebuilding the factory destroyed by bombing and overcoming the various economic crises.
Da quattro generazioni, con i fratelli Giuliano e Alberto , insieme al nipote Andrea viene tramandato il difficile lavoro di selezione, fabbricazione e lavorazione di terre coloranti naturali e di pigmenti che sono importantissimi nel campo dell’arte e del restauro.
The natural earths are known for their inimitable tonality, characteristics of semi-transparency, resistance over time and the peculiar characteristic of being able to be used in the most diverse means (oils, natural and synthetic resins, lime, etc).
The need to return to the colourist results of the past and the attention to using natural and ecological products has led the Dolci company to rediscover ancient recipes and to offer lime based wall finishes like venetian plaster, slaked lime and intonachino.
The Dolci company has withstood the crisis and the hard times by working the earths with greater skill and passion, dedicating more and more time to finding and choosing original materials and dealing with the demanding task of disclosure and re-information of traditional techniques that are now forgotten.
News, information, and samples of natural earth colourants are requested from the Dolci company from around the world, from Canada to Australia, from the United States to Japan.
Furthermore, the Dolci company produces organic and inorganic pigments, ecological wall paints and chooses the best raw materials such as resins and natural and vegetable waxes, seasoned slake lime putty and special products for restoration, art and gilding.

The use of color
Performance 01 raw color
The most ‘beautiful experience of “color” of my profession, Shooting with my D4 with photos and video in the “adrenaline” of DOLCI, the artist FERRARINI facing of: “Performance 01” entitled “RAW COLOR”